Dimensi: panjang 50cm, lebar 40cm, tinggi 40cm
Berat: 20kg
ULTRAPROOF UPR-960 adalah cat anti bocor dan anti rembes yang terbuat dari bahan elastomer arylic polymer terlarut dalam air. ULTRAPROOF sangat elastis dengan daya penguluran yang tinggi ( 600%), tahan sinar UV dan tahan air.
Ukuran: 20 KG
Daya Sebar Teoritis: 20 m2 per lapis
Keunggulan :
- Anti bocor
- Anti rembes
- Menutup retak rambut
- Anti jamur
- Pilihan warna yang indah
- Ramah lingkungan
Application Procedures :
- Clean the surface from grease, oil, fungi, dust, and dirt with sandpaper, brush, detergent, etching solution or others
- First coat thin ULTRAPROOF with 10% clean water, mix well.
- Second and third coat without thinning. For vertical wall, you can add 10% clean water.
- Apply first coat and let dry
- Apply second coat and third coat in cross direction after 2 hours.
- Brush, roll, or airless spray can be used for application.
Type: Elastomeric acrylic
Finish Coat: Matt
Theoritical Coverage: 300 gr/m2; (100 microns dry film thickness)
Drying Time: 60 minutes 30º C
Self Life: 12 in room temperature
Thinning Ratio by volume: 10% clean water
Application Method: Brush, roll, and airless spray
Cleaning: Wash all equipments immediately with clean water, after use.
*) Wajib pakai kurir Instant/Sameday/JTR(Jne Truck)/SiCepat GOKIL. Selain itu kami tolak pesanan.